Action Damien - Website ©

  • Analysis, Strategy & Wireframing
  • Webdesign
  • Tailor-made development
  • Content Management & Autonomy

For a world without leprosy and without tuberculosis!

Action Damien is a medical development NGO which has participated since 1964 in the global fight against leprosy, tuberculosis and other diseases typically linked to poverty, such as leishmaniasis. Action Damien is a pluralist, independent and apolitical organization.

For Action Damien we have developed an eshop and an informative website. Additionally the past two years we have been running all their campaigns, both digital and print.

Site Web de Action Damien en mobile
Site Web de Action Damien sur desktop


The outcome of this site is in the image of Action Damien. It is a simple, understandable, clear and intelligible site. Easy to access, with the possibility to give everyone the means to get involved by making a purchase in the store or via a donation.


Responsive du site internet
Aperçu des pages du site web
  • 6 millions de personnes ont des séquelles mentales ou physiques à cause de la lèpre

    6 million

    have mental or physical sequelae due to leprosy.

  • 10 millions de personnes développent la tuberculose chaque année

    10 million

    people develop tuberculosis every year

  • 2 diagnostics par minute de la leishmaniose

    2 persons

    diagnosed positive for leishmaniasis every minute

Brochure de remerciement
Screens action
Wine In Moderation